These articles are written specifically to help pet owners with many of the most difficult aspects of losing a pet. You are welcome to print these articles and keep them on hand for your clients who need information about pet loss, grief, or making the decision about when it’s time.
Interested in more resources?
- Additional information for pet owners can also be found in our client blog archives. It can be a good idea to provide them with our website URL (printed on business card and brochure) when they need to do some further reading and research on their own in order to make a decision.
- Articles written specifically for veterinary professionals are available by request if you drop us a line at [email protected]. We have articles about pre-euthanasia sedation and others. If there’s a topic of interest to you, let us know and we may already have something on file for you.
Knowing When It’s Time to Say Goodbye
Ways People Grieve – The Myth of Men and Grief
Other Family Members
Do Pets Grieve the Loss of their Animal Friends